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Services of Ken Avellino Independent ASP.NET Consultant
 Professional Certifications

Throughout my career as an independent ASP.NET consultant I've tested and proven my skills by acquiring several professional certifications.

I currently hold 9 distinct certifications which attest to my wide range of technical skills and achievement.

My certifications are as follows:

  1. MCPD (Microsoft Certified Professional Developer):  This certification tested my ability to develop applications using Microsoft .NET technologies.  I have the Web Developer certification since my primary development activities involve AP.NET and related technologies.
  2. CTT+/MCT (Certified Technical Trainer/Microsoft Certified Trainer):  This certification tested my skills and knowledge in technical training. Because I hold the MCPD certification my CTT+ allowed me to apply for the MCT certification and teach an wide range of Microsoft Offical Curriculm courses.  My MCT Transcript ID and Access Code can be sent upon request.
  3. Client-Server Developer:  This certification tested my skills and knowledge of the architecture, technology and development of Client/Server applications both web based and "classic” Client/Server.
  4. Internetworking Development: This certification my Internetworking knowledge and skills.  The tested areas were in LAN and WAN networking technology.  Various network technologies with special emphasis in TCP/IP were tested.  Knowledge of routing technology, protocols and networking technologies such as Bridges, Gateways and Routers were tested in detail.
  5. Open Systems Professional: This certification tested my understanding and usage of Open System technology.  Open System software usage and selection was tested as well as how to integrate Open System Software with proprietary software technologies.  The management and configuration of Open System Software was an area of emphasis.
  6. NET Application Developer: This certification covers the usage of the .NET Framework and .NET languages to develop application systems and .NET components.  The languages covered were C# and VB.NET.  How to install, configure and apply the .NET framework was an area of emphasis.
  7. .NET Web Application Developer:  This certification builds on the ".NET Application Developer" certification to discuss the building of Web Applications using ASP.NET.  Both C# and VB.NET were used in this certification.  The installation of ASP.NET in a Windows Server environment and the deployment of ASP.NET applications to a production environment were tested.  Web Service development in an ASP.NET environment was tested as well as .NET Remoting.
  8. I-Net+: This certification validated my base-line technical knowledge of Internet, Intranet and e-commerce technologies, independent of vendor specific technologies.  I've demonstrated knowledge and competency implementing and maintaining Internet, Intranet and Extranet infrastructures and services, as well as the development of related applications.
  9. Professional Internet Marketer: This certification covers both SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing).  The certification tested in comprehensive way knowledge of web site optimization techniques to achieve high ranking in search engines.  The ethical way to approach SEO so as avoid the problem of optimized sites being banned from search engines.  How to apply Web Analytics to analyze the results of SEO activities.  Finally tested SEM activities such as E-Mail Marketing and Affiliate Marketing.  I achieved 100% in all tested areas.
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