Tuesday, February 18, 2025 Register  |  Login
Services of Ken Avellino Independent ASP.NET Consultant
 Current Teaching Schedule

At the request of many students I'm posting my schedule online.  I will update this schedule as I get scheduled for a class event.

Be aware that this schedule can change with little or no notice.  My schedulers are in charge of my class events, but if you would like attend an event contact me.

If you are going to attend a session of a class, that I teach, and you do not see this class on my schedule contact Certified Staffing, Webucator or Class Masters.  Based on student requests a vendor may choose to schedule me for a particular class event.

  • Week of 7/12/21 - Microsoft MOC2840 - Virtual Private
  • Week of  8/30/21 - C# - On Site Private
  • Week of 9/27/21 - Microsoft MOC2840 - Public

The fact that I am scheduled to teach a course does not guarantee that a course event will execute.

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