Tuesday, February 18, 2025 Register  |  Login
Services of Ken Avellino Independent ASP.NET Consultant

One of my major activities as an independent asp.net consultant is training.

I find training to be exciting and stimulating.  Sometimes I think I learn more than my students.

My training classes cover the following subjects:

  • Web site development and maintenance
  • HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • ASP.NET both beginning and advanced
  • DNN (Dot Net Nuke) site, module, and skin development
  • ASP.NET Web Services
  • WCF (Windows Communication Foundation)
  • WF (Windows Work Flow)

Most of my classes are booked through Learning Tree International.  My Learning Tree International Schedule can be found by clicking on SCHEDULE under CLASSES on the menu.

If you have a subject that you would like me to teach, let me know.  I could either develop a custom class for you or acquire some course ware and teach a class on your site.  It never hurts to ask.

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